Sunday 10 July 2011

Self control Part 2

Self control is a person’s ability to control emotions, desires and actions. It is the ability to separate the feelings from the self. When you let your feelings become you, your actions and decision making capabilities become hindered. You may end up reacting based on your feelings and not acting according to the situation. How to gain self control, takes a lot of practice and consistent effort to get control over your feelings. But all that effort and practice will pay off in the long run and pave the way for your success in leading a balanced life.

Needs and desires are completely different things. There are times when desires become so strong that they transform into needs. Self control will keep those desires under control. Think of your favorite food, or even better bring it home and don’t eat it yet. As a first step to gain self control set your mind that you will not eat that food for ‘x’ number of days. I know, this sounds kind of ridiculous, but trust me it works. Abstaining from something that you really crave for will develop resistance to impulses and desires in you. When you can resist temptation you have gained self control over your desires.

All our actions are defined by our emotions. Emotions are the most difficult to control, but if you can gain that control over your emotions you have mastered self control. Emotions could be anything ranging from anger, happiness, sorrow, frustration, etc. Out of all these the biggest step towards greater self control is controlling anger and frustration. Anger overpowers your mind and senses; you may do or say something that you will regret later. Anger is self-destructive and you don’t want to walk that path. When any person or situation makes you angry, try this: Count till 3 before you react or divert your attention to anything that will give the required pause before reacting. This pause will mellow down your anger and as you keep practicing you will eventually gain complete control over your temper.

Meditation is one of the best methods to gain self control and balance your body and mind. Meditation helps unclutter your mind of unwanted thoughts and emotions and also helps you focus and de-stress. Having a calm and clear mind enables you to control your feelings and in turn your actions.

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